JetBlue is not offering unfettered access to the Web - at least not yet - so no googling your in-flight neighbor. That would require a lot more bandwidth at a much higher cost. Instead, the service turns the plane into a flying Wi-Fi hot spot for mobile devices. When a plane reaches 10,000 feet, three WiFi access points hidden in the cabin's ceiling are activated, so that most wireless devices with Flash browsers or Wi-Fi-enabled laptops can connect to Yahoo Messenger or Mail, which can also be used to send text messages to mobile phones. (Gmail and other e-mail services won't work.) BlackBerry handsets also work just as they do on land. The radios onboard the plane monitor the 100 cell towers around the
Neeleman said he had been asking JetBlue's engineers about using his BlackBerry on their planes for years, thinking it should be pretty simple. Not only was connectivity more complicated than he thought, it was also extremely costly to create the software needed for full Web browsing. So instead, they came up with the idea of limited access for passengers, partnering with Yahoo and Research In Motion, maker of the BlackBerry. "If we just give people e-mail, that would solve 90% of the problem and would be one-tenth of the cost," - Neeleman says. Full Web access would have been so expensive that the airline would have had to charge passengers to use it. "Nobody cares if it's not free," - says Neeleman. "It's so irritating to go into a hot spot and have to pay." JetBlue and other airlines learned that lesson with seat-back phones. That service was discontinued because of lack of interest from passengers unwilling to pay several dollars for one in-flight phone call. The ground-to-air spectrum used for those in-flight calls came up for bid in July 2006, and JetBlue's subsidiary, LiveTV, purchased a slice from the Federal Communications Commissions to use for its Wi-Fi service. LiveTV will also offer the new service on its spectrum to other

New Year and Christmas fortune-telling
Once the girls were having fun.
V.A. Zhukovsky
Fortune-telling or sorcery is a very interesting, enchanting process but dangerous one. The most favorable time for it fell on Sviatki. The best days for fortune-telling were considered to be the 13th and the 19th of January.
You need two big and equal size mirrors to set them opposite each other. Between them you place two candles so that there must be a long corridor lighted with candles. A person who does it must be alone or with somebody who is also interested in it. They must keep silence. No animals must be present in a room. You sit in front of one mirror so that to see the reflection in another one. The moment you see your future groom you must cover the mirror with a cloth otherwise who knows what may happen...
Put a thread through a golden ring. Pour some water into a glass. Lower a thread with the ring into the glass with water. It'll begin to swing and knock against the borders. Count the number of strikes - they denote the age when you'll get married.
Melt a piece of wax in a spoon and pour it into cold water. Guess what the image means.
Write down all the male names you know on the pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. Before you fall asleep say "My fiance, come into my dream". You must see HIM in your dream. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you must do is to take a piece of paper under a pillow and find out the name of your future husband.

As cell phones conquer consumer minds and markets, scientists have discovered that cell phone transmissions disrupt the brain sites for memory and learning, causing forgetfulness and sudden confusion. Also, its electromagnetic signals reduce the ability to concentrate, calculate and coordinate complicated activities such as driving a car. “Hands-free” mobile speaker-phones cause even more crashes because they typically emit 10-times more brainwave interference than handheld units.
The amount of radiation is based largely on how close the device is to your head during calls, the number of phone calls you make, and how long your calls last.
Unfortunately, sleeping in a room in which we are surrounded by all our favorite devices like cell phones or cordless, digital clocks, CD/radio players, computers and televisions can seriously suppress our nightly melatonin production. Much like a boxer taking repeated blows to the head, rapidly pulsing cell phones signal permanent brain damage.
Different studies have been done that link this radiation to brain tumors, cancer, and other health conditions. In fact, in one study done with mice, the incidence of cancer and tumors was higher when the mice were exposed to electromagnetic radiation than when they were not. Many other studies have been done, and they all point to the fact that cell phone radiation causes cancer and other problems with our bodies.
The interesting thing to note is that when you hold the phone to your ear, the electromagnetic radiation can reach up to the middle of your brain. This puts your brain at risk! This is why there have been numerous brain tumors that are present on the side of the brain that gets exposed. That is scary news.
You have become accustomed to using your cell for everything from business to staying in touch with the people you love. You are not going to give it up very easily. On the other hand, you don't want brain tumors either. If you must pack a cell phone, treat it like a loaded pistol. Keep it turned off. Don’t carry it near ovaries, testicles, or the heart. For partial protection, buy an antenna shield. Limit calls to one-minute, six to 10 minutes a month. Never fire off a cell phone with children anywhere in sight.
P.S. A better bet is to facilitate the growth of organic telephone networks with lots of fiber. Instead of more microwave towers.
The fact that women usually outlive men is the subject of study for centuries not only years.
According to the researches power of the male heart is less for 20-25% between the ages 18-70. But the data shows that in the case of women health women’s heart at the age of 70 can function like the heart of 20 years-old.
LJMU research studied 250 healthy men women between the ages of 18-80. The main purpose of choosing only healthy candidates was determined by the fact that it would have been easier to make decisions and conclusions about the study that reveals the results giving opportunities to evaluate the data.
Professor Goldspink says: "By simultaneously studying both men and women we have been able to look for either similarities or differences between the two sexes as we get older. We now have a much clearer holistic picture of changes that take place in the human body throughout our life cycle."
Research finds that men can improve the indicators of the results by increasing regular exercising as it is clear with the veterans that their heart condition at the age of 50-70 is like it was in their 20-ies.
· Each volunteer taking part in the ageing and cardiovascular system research underwent five hours of non-invasive tests, focusing on three key aspects of our cardiovascular system.
· First, Tom Reilly, Director of LJMU’s Research Institute for Sports & Exercise Sciences, and his team measured body composition to establish bone density, muscle mass and the amount and distribution of body fat in each individual.
· Then Professor Goldspink’s team measured blood pressure, how fit each person was and in particular how powerful their hearts were at rest and when exercising to their limits on a treadmill.
· During the final phase of tests, heart performance was measured. Dr Keith George used ultrasound to measure the size of the chambers of the heart, the thickness of its muscular walls and its filling and emptying actions. Professor Tim Cable’s team studied the movement of blood out of the heart through the arteries to the muscles and skin of the limbs.
· The resulting information has produced a very detailed picture on the changes that occur in the cardiovascular system as we age naturally and shows that men and women experience a lot of similar changes as they get older:
o Most men and women become less active and less fit as they grow older, reducing muscle mass and increasing the amount of body fat.
o Blood pressure increases both at rest and during exercise, because the large arteries become stiffer and less elastic as we age.
o Blood flow to the muscles and skin of limbs also progressively decrease. These changes in the structure of blood vessels occur earlier in men, but women soon catch up after the menopause.
According to Science Daily, Kruger and co-author Randolph Nesse, a professor of psychology and psychiatry and director of the Evolution and Human Adaptation Program, argue that the difference in life expectancy stems from the biological imperative of attracting mates. "This whole pattern is a result of sexual selection and the roles that males and females play in reproduction," Kruger said, "Females generally invest more in offspring than males and are more limited in offspring quantity, thus males typically compete with each other to attract and retain female partners." Scientists think that determining impact has the social status of a man, too.
But except serious findings of the research there are some funny approaches to this issue. The photos say why men live less than women. You can have a fun.

Geldman Computers Systems Inc. announced it’s nomination as exclusive distributor of Planium’s Business Planner software in
Business Planner is an advanced multi-purpose business planning software for businesses of all kinds and sizes. It aims to help managers and business people to make more informed business decisions. Business Planner was developed by a team of business consultants and software experts with the ideal of creating a tool that will enable its user to plan the future of a new or existing business analyze various business scenarios and come to the right decisions before investments are done and real money spent.
The dynamic business environment of today requires every business to prepare for changes and to use its resources as efficiently as possible. Business Planner is already used by thousands of managers, entrepreneurs, business people, investors, accountants and consultants around the world. It is also used in a number of universities and business schools as a training tool in business planning courses.
Business Planner enables it’s users to perform the following functions: Business Plan; Cash Flow Forecast; Profitability Analysis; Marketing plan; Feasibility Study; Business Value Estimation;
Budget Planning and Controlling.
Business Planner is easy to use and quick to learn with the on-line wizards, samples, guides and help functions that assist the new user in learning the use of the software. Business Planner is a very powerful tool for business planning. Business people and managers will find it a crucial assistant in planning the future of their business and arriving at the correct decisions.
Geldman Computer Systems Inc. was established in 1986 and is a software development firm that specializes in database business applications for all company sizes. They also distribute and support other products that complement ours and add value to our customers.
Planium Software Ltd. Is an Israeli hi-tech software development company specializing in Business Planning software. The main product of Planium is the Business Planner which is being sold in many countries world wide.

The software will predict the actions of paramilitary groups, ethnic factions, terrorists and criminal groups, while aiding commanders in devising strategies for stabilizing areas before, during and after conflicts. That is not limit of its capabilities It will have many civilian applications in finance, law enforcement, epidemiology and the aftermath of natural disasters, such as hurricane Katrina, too.
Rozenblit, who holds the Raymond J. Oglethorpe Endowed Chair in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the UA admits that ATRAP - The Asymmetric Threat Response and Analysis Project is a massively complex set of computer algorithms (mathematical procedures) that sift through millions of pieces of data, considering many factors including social, political, cultural, military and media influences.
For accomplishment the work ATRAP will use sophisticated computational methods based on:
game theory,
genetic development models
Genetic algorithms analyze situations in an evolutionary context, where actions with the highest “fitness factor” gravitate toward one another, produce offspring and eventually rise to the top.
The algorithms will recognize links and patterns within the data and to find connections.“The computer can look at very, very complex data sets that as an individual or even as a group of individuals, you could never analyze,” said Brian Ten Eyck, ATRAP project manager and associate director for research support in ECE. “The computer can bring the patterns and connections to the surface and can predict scenarios that might never occur to human analysts.”
According to the “Inside Arizona Business” Deep Blue, the first computer program to beat a world chess champion, is not exact but a good example of how ATRAP can respond to changing factors, Ten Eyck explained. “Every time its opponent made a move, Deep Blue recalculated all the possibilities and likely courses of action, eventually settling on the fittest move that would achieve its goal of winning the game.”
Rozenblit said: In unstable areas, winning often means establishing an environment in which the factions co-exist in a win-win situation or at least in an equilibrium in which there are no rewards, and some penalties, for disturbing the status quo.
Ultimately, the software program will be designed to display data in graphical, 3-D and other forms that can be quickly grasped, allowing decision makers to rapidly respond to changing situations, Rozenblit said.
The goal is to handle conflict areas in a manner that leads to stability and support so war is not necessary,” Rozenblit said. “That’s the philosophy behind much of the ATRAP effort.”
Conflicts like Kosovo and Somalia that need quick response emphasizes the need for the high quality harnessing in order to react very rapidly. Parallel computing is the best way to response to the situation timely.
The benefit of the software relates to the Students and Local Contractors, too.
As Rozenblit said “There is a dire need for engineers with expertise in this area and our graduate students and undergraduates are in great demand.” The evidence to this statement is that one student who recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree after doing research related to ATRAP was hired at an annual starting salary of $90,000.
This article has been featured on MediaPath
It's common for teens to think about death to some degree. Teens' thinking capabilities have matured in a way that allows them to think more deeply - about their existence in the world, the meaning of life, and other profound questions and ideas.
There are many reasons why a young person may think about or actually carry out a suicide. The most common underlying problem is depression. Depression in teens does not always look like sadness; sometimes it appears as a loss of interest in activities, falling grades, or irritability blowing up for no reason at all. "In others, depression may hide behind a mask of humor" or an "I don't care" attitude.
A suicide survivor said in his interview: "I did many things to try to die. It was truly hell on earth".
Teen girls and boys are both at risk for suicide. Teenage boys are four to five times more likely to die by suicide than girls, although girls actually attempt suicide four times more frequently. Boys may be more inclined to take impulsive action. Girls may use suicide attempts such as swallowing pills (where there is often time for others to intervene) as a way to call out for help. Boys may feel that asking for help even in such a dramatic way is unmanly or babyish. So they choose suicide actions that are more surefire. Over half of teen suicide deaths are inflicted by guns.
Many suicide attempts occur when a teen is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs have depressive effects on the brain. Misuse of these substances can bring on serious depression, especially in teens prone to depression because of their biology, family history, or other life stressors.
The primary care physician should refer most patients with persistent suicidal thoughts to a psychiatrist skilled in psychotherapy. Patients who do not begin to improve in 4 to 6 weeks should be referred to a psychiatrist, who may recommend a higher dosage, a different medication, and a shift in psychotherapy approach, hospitalization, electroconvulsive therapy, or other treatment.
Dealing with teenagers can be very difficult at the best of times. If you are aware of a young person who seems constantly unhappy or bad tempered, don't be afraid to ask them about how they are feeling. Often just knowing that someone cares is enough to let them unburden their problems, and may prevent tragedy.

And if one believes, an ordinary armchair under a worn blanket in Naples will make childless families happy. The gift of the miracle is nothing but the child.
The “miracle chair” is close to Speranzella. The street name suggests hope -- in the picturesque Spanish Quarter of Naples. And at this place Saint Mary Frances of the Five Wounds of Jesus is asked for a miracle.
This place became one of the mostly visited by the religious tourists and especially by the childless families.
The phrase visitors can hear the first is “The saint is waiting for you.” That is Sister Elisa who says that to the men and women. After worshippers finish praying they are led to a steep staircase and along a narrow corridor into the flat where the saint, born Anna Maria Rosa Nicoletta Gallo, spent half her life in chastity and mystical suffering until her death in 1791 at the age of 76.
Reminding about “voluntary penance” are the hair shirts and whip in the room. Judging through the name of the first saint woman in Naples, she was the carrier of the wounds of Jesus.
According to The World Wide Religious News (WWRN), we are able to be acquainted with the letter of a very interesting content that is signed by Dejan and Jasmina Bogdanovic, and this is not the only letter that assures in the reality of “Chair Miracle.”
The research shows that visit to “miracle chair” should be intensified if consider the statistics about young couples’ behavior and the decisions that are made for the last years.
San Grewal, staff reporter of TheStar.com writes in the article that for the first time, there are more families in the country without children (42.7 per cent) than couples with children (41.4 per cent). Twenty years ago, 52 per cent of Canadian couples had children, defined as offspring younger than 25. There are two primary reasons for the trend, says Anne Milan, a senior analyst with Statistics Canada: An aging population of empty nesters, and historically low fertility rates. More women are either putting off or forgoing parenthood, Milan says.
The reasons of childlessness might be by choice and by chance. Though there are some definite reasons that cause the problems for those who are childless by chance, not by choice.
According to the Medicine Yurved the very first reasons are:
1. smoking
2. alcoholism
3. medication
4. drug addiction
Tapping the unused processing capacity of a network of individual PCs offers the power of an expensive supercomputer Latest News about supercomputer at a fraction of the cost and allows researchers to cut the lag time for some calculations from years to days.
Such "volunteer computing" studies have also spawned a quirky global subculture of home enthusiasts who are bringing their personal passion and the collaborative power of the Internet over 800,000 High Quality Domains Available for Your Business. Many volunteers are computer programmers or scientists, but others have no link to the projects aside from their own enthusiasm.
To join the projects, computer owners download a program that lets their PCs work on small pieces of a larger research problem. When a PC finishes a chunk of the calculation, it sends it off to be double-checked and plugged into the big data set.
One initiative has wooed gamers who use the Sony PlayStation 3 Latest News about PlayStation 3 console, which contains a speedy graphics processor. A
"I donate to other causes, and I just considered this a donation to society and science," said Cory Parker, a product assurance technician from
Strength in Numbers
The sheer number of people needed to make such projects worthwhile can be daunting, researchers said. Folding@home, which began in 2000 and is one of the largest undertakings, uses about 250,000 computers at any given moment.
Professor Benjamin Wandelt, director of Cosmology@home wanted to test how minor changes to initial conditions after the Big Bang could have affected how our cosmos would look billions of years later.
To address that question, Wandelt's team runs thousands of computer simulations of cosmological evolution and tinkers with the initial conditions, such as the speed of the universe's expansion or the amounts of certain fundamental particles.
However, he realized that the initial set of simulations would take about 300,000 hours of computer time -- about 30 years using an ordinary home computer. By distributing the computing chore among 2,800 users from 78 countries, Wandelt's team has amassed more than 300,000 hours of work in just six months' time.
Advancing Science
Programs such as Folding@home provide the most demanding tests of a PC's performance, many users say. Amassing an impressive processing record is a mark of achievement, and it earns users "points" -- statistics that are worthless except as tokens of a user's computing prowess.
To rack up more points, many volunteers buy computers solely to use on the projects. Michael McCord, a retired anesthesiologist from
"The competition and camaraderie got me interested," McCord said. "I'm blessed that I can afford the electricity bill."
Intriguing Work
So far, volunteer computing has not changed how physicists think about the universe or led to any concrete cures for diseases, but researchers say they've published intriguing work stemming from the approach. Wandelt of Illinois said his team has just submitted its first paper based on results from Cosmology@home. He said he's found a way to distill his data so other cosmologists can run more speedy simulations of the early universe.
Vijay Pande, director of Folding@home, said his team has published 54 studies based on its protein-folding simulations. Proteins must fold into precise shapes in order to function properly, and many diseases can be traced to errors in folding, including Alzheimer's disease and ALS. Pande's work is designed to offer insights into that process and aid the design of drugs that could help crucial proteins fold correctly.
Yet not every scientific question lends itself to being solved by thousands of computers, each working on one tiny piece of the problem, "Some problems can't be divided,” says Vijay Pande.

- Record-low Arctic sea ice extent, which led to first recorded opening of the Canadian Northwest Passage;
- The relatively small Antarctic Ozone Hole;
- Development of La Niña in the central and eastern Equatorial Pacific;
- Devastating floods, drought and storms in many places around the world.
Data shows that the winter and spring is ranked 4°C higher than the long-term monthly averages for January and April. In contrast to Bulgaria, the South of the United States, in August, where the highest temperature was fixed, Australia recorded its coldest ever June with the mean temperature dropping to 1.5°C below normal. South America experienced an unusually cold winter, bringing winds, blizzards and rare snowfall to various provinces with temperatures falling to -22°C/-7.6°F in Argentina and -18°C/-0.4°F in Chile in early July.
The joint press release also indicates the results and consequences about sea level. It continued to rise at rates substantially above the average for the 20th century of about 1.7 mm per year. global averaged sea level by 2007 is about 20 cm higher than the 1870 estimate. Modern satellite measurements show that since 1993 global averaged sea level has been rising at about 3 mm per year.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 4th Assessment (Synthesis) Report, 2007, “warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.”
Two posts were already covered on global warming at Blogvasion:
Green Ethernet Technology To Solve Global Problems,
Global Warming Effects and Ways of Informing Society.
The last one got two comments, that show the importance and actuality of the issue on the global arena of problems. The representative of Right Democrat: A Mainstream Populist Voice indicated in the comment that “the best way to slow global warming would be to expand nuclear power,” and asked me to visit the following link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsiE3Ldc8hM . I think that Video on You Tube “Dr. Patrick Moore on Nuclear Energy and Low CO2 Emissions” will be informative and productive for the Blogvasion readers, too.

Its 300,000 words in Hebrew were inscribed on a silicon surface at the Haifa Institute of Technology. Scientists say the aim of the project is to increase young people's interest in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
The record for the smallest copy is held by a Bible measuring 2.8x3.4x1cm (1.1x1.3x0.4in), weighing 11.75g (0.4 ounces) and containing 1,514 pages.
The 0.5sq-mm (0.01sq-in) nano-Bible was written on a silicon surface covered with a thin layer of gold (20nanometres thick - 0.0002mm).
It was written using a device called Focused Ion Beam (Fib). The Technion's microscopic Bible was created by blasting tiny particles called gallium ions at an object that then rebounded, causing an etching effect.
"When we send the particle beam toward a point on the surface, the gold atoms bounce off of this point, thus exposing the silicon layer underneath," - Ohad Zohar, one of the project's managers at Technion, said.
"By sending a particle beam towards various points on the substrate, we can etch any pattern of points, especially one that represents text."
The next step for Technion researchers is photographing the Bible and displaying it on a giant wall within the Faculty of Physics.

You shouldn’t forget that acquaintance via the internet is always the communication under a mask. It’s always easier to talk with someone who does not see you and may never do. That’s why acquaintance via the internet happens much easier than in the real life.
The first sign of disappointment, doleful phrase: “Well, you do not look like your photos in the internet at all.” These words can have two meanings. In one way he/she may be disappointed with the new acquaintance and in the other surprised because his/her date looks better than on photos. If the person is nice or at least polite, he/she will surely add: “You look much better!”
Truly the history still remembers such cases when a couple has found each other via internet. As an example we may review popular movie of 1998 year - “you’ve got mail”, when man (Tom Hanks) and woman (Meg Ryan) communicate via e-mail, make marvelous acquaintance and to the end they are much happier then the beginning of the story.
Get married in Second Life? A Gartner analyst is predicting that 2% of
Nowadays when technologies in parallel with human development rises, notwithstanding of these virtual vs. realistic stories, chats, blogs and other communicators keep the internet overcrowded and the relationship history is still under its way.
All of us at Blogvasion.com wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May new ideas are introduced, may those ideas are implemented successfully and may everything, what you do, bring joy. May peace, love, joy and prosperity be yours during this holiday season and the coming New Year!

Christmas Dinner in Ethiopia
Food served at Christmas usually includes injera, a sourdough pancake like bread. Injera serves as both plate and fork. Doro wat, a spicy chicken stew might be the main meal. A piece of the injera is used to scoop up the wat.
The main dish of the dinner is boiled codfish served snowy white and fluffy, with allspice, boiled potatoes, and cream sauce. The dried cod has been soaked for a week in a lye solution, then in clear water to soften it to the right texture. Also on the menu is roast suckling pig or a roasted fresh ham, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.
Germans make beautiful gingerbread houses and cookies. The German Christmas tree pastry, Christbaumgeback, is a white dough that can be molded into shapes and baked for tree decorations.
Georgians celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. They serve traditional Christmas pie where they put cheese and boiled eggs and has a half moon shape. There are also tradition Georgian meal Mujuji (marinaded pig or swine with garlic), ham, some kin of fish depending on the taste of host, Georgian traditional bread and red wine. For dessert there are Georgian Churchxela and Gozinakhi (made of nuts and honey). Also The menu for the meal may vary according to the regional culinary tradition.
A strict feast is observed for 24 hours before Christmas Eve, and is followed by a celebration meal, in which a light Milanese cake called panettone features as well as chocolate.
A favorite holiday cookie is called a sand kager is made by mixing 2 cups of butter and sugar, 4 cups of flour, and 1 cup of chopped almonds. This pressed into a tin, baked until golden brown, and cut into squares. Norwegians also eat lye-treated codfish, and wash it down with boiled potatoes, rice porridge, gingerbread, and punch.
A traditional food found in Poland is Oplatek which is a piece of bread pressed with a holy picture on the surface. Oplatek is more symbolic than real food. They celebrate with at least 12 different vegetarian dishes like: mushroom soup, carp, cabbage with pea, stuffed dumplings, and shells macaroni with poppy "makielki". In some homes - some hay is put under the tablecloth (it is connected with Christ's manger).
The consoada is the reunion of the family, until they wait for the coming of Father Christmas at midnight and takes place on the dinner of 24 th December/Christmas Eve. There are families who reserve an empty place for the persons who died, but it doesn't happen very often. Meal consists of boiled codfish and Portuguese sprouts (in pure olive oil normally) and then everybody puts lots of desserts in the table and typical plates (rice pudding with cinnamon, "rabandas"-seems like french toast, "filhoses"-fried desserts, "broas de mel" (pastries made with honey) “Sonhos” -pumpkin fritters ) Another very traditional desert is the "Bolo Rei" (King's cake) "which is a wreath-like very rich fruit cake laced with crystallized fruits and pine nuts." There is a little present inside the cake and a broadbean-who find the broadbean in one slice, must pay the next “King Cake”.
Christmas dinner includes a variety of different meats - goose, salads, sausages and suckling pig are favorites.
After prayers and songs are done around the Presepio or crib the feast begins.The foods that might be served are eels and larks, boiled pasta, fish, sweet bread and Torrone a type of nougat.
Swedish Julafton, or Christmas Eve dinner may be a smorgasbord, or buffet with julskinka, or Christmas ham, pickled pigs feet,lutfisk, or dried codfish, and many different kinds of sweets. Risgryngrot a special rice porridge, has hidden in it an almond which as tradition has it the person who finds the almond in his or her bowl will marry in the coming year.
The research shows that the Management consultants and HR specialists are the most ‘giving’ when it comes to supporting charities through their professional skills.
The research studied 9,000 freelance professionals. According to the results 4 in 10 freelance management and HR specialists are prepared to cut the rates by around 15 % for the charity sector. As for the Lawyers they are by around 14.9 ,and the IT specialists are around 14.7 %.
Through the information provided by the SourceWire, Duncan Taylor of people4charity.comsays that “In this season of goodwill, it is interesting to see that management consultants are confounding their stereotype, while HR professionals are perhaps living up to theirs.”
According to Duncan Taylor’s evaluations and analyses the research shows that initiative for charity encreases and 35% of independent professionals “will now work for the third sector at a discount that averages out at 14 percent.”

In Zittau, on Germany's eastern fringe — where the country meets Poland and the Czech Republic — Chancellor Angela Merkel, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso raised a border gate as children set loose dozens of blue balloons covered by stars — symbolizing the EU flag. "We are all quite happy to be able to celebrate this truly historic moment together," - Merkel said.
Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Malta joined the EU in 2004, but could not be part of the Schengen frontier-free zone until now because their police and border guards were not considered in line with EU norms.
"It would have been better to wait a year or two longer to abolish the border controls," said Joachim Herrmann, the interior minister of the German state of
On the Polish side, in Porajow, Tusk said the day was "exceptional" for the Poles, Germans and Czechs who came of age in a divided
Hours before the controls ended at
But the move has also forced the EU to tighten controls on its new eastern borders to prevent infiltration by criminal gangs, illegal immigrants and even terrorists.
The EU's front line in the fight against illegal immigration remains to the south where thousands of poor Africans make a hazardous sea journey to the coasts of
Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer dismissed concerns that the expansion would aid criminals or illegal immigrants as he symbolically joined
The Schengen agreement is named after the village in
Beginning Friday, Serbian citizens need the EU's Schengen visas to travel to neighboring Hungary, or even to Slovenia — the country they shared the old six-republics Yugoslav federation with until 1991.
But because of its perennial political instability, and fears that Serbs would flee en masse to the West if the visas were lifted, the EU has kept the requirement — although some categories, such as students, researchers, business people and journalists will be able to obtain visas to the EU more quickly as of Jan. 1.
New genetically engineered mice show no fear of cats, according to the Japanese scientists who created the rodents. The modified mice may also shed new light on mammal behavior.
Scientists at the
Kobayakawa developed the fearless mice by shutting down receptors in their olfactory bulb - the area of the brain that processes information about smells - which would normally induce panic as soon as they get so much as a whiff of a cat.
"Mice are naturally terrified of cats and usually panic or flee at the smell of one. But mice with certain nasal cells removed through genetic engineering didn't display any fear," - research leader Ko Kobayakawa said.
Rather than flee or freeze when confronted with their feline enemy, the mice sniffed and even played with them, blissfully unaware of the potential dangers.
"The mice approached the cat, even snuggled up to it and played with it. The discovery that fear is genetically determined and not learned after birth is very interesting and goes against what was previously thought," - Ko Kobayakawa said.
According to him, the findings suggest that the human aversion to dangerous smells like that of rotten food, for example, could also be genetically predetermined.
Kobayakawa said his findings, published in the science journal Nature last month, should help researchers shed further light on how the brain processes information about the outside world.
"Once removing innate elements by which mice fear cats from them, we are able to make mice who can get along with cats. So by applying this theory to other mammals, we will probably be able to make other animals that are not afraid of their natural enemies," - he said.
Also, according to the researchers, even the modified mice froze in fear whenever the cats miaowed.

So far, the research indicates the drugs will only be effective for one form of autism that is caused by a mutation of a gene on the X chromosome, a condition known as fragile X syndrome.
The exact cause of the disorder remains elusive but it has been linked to a variety of genes, including the fragile X mutation that can lead to both mental retardation and autism. The mutation is thought to lead to mental problems because it causes hyperactivity of a brain protein called metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) that normally plays a role in learning and memory.
A team led by Bear wondered if reducing levels of mGluR5 protein could restore normal brain function. The researchers used a combination of genetic engineering and selective breeding to produce a line of mice that had both the fragile X mutation and toned down levels of the mGluR5 protein in their brain. The intent was to get an idea of what would happen when the protein was suppressed using a drug in human patients.
In a finding that the researchers described as “remarkable” the mice — which should have had mental retardation and autism-like symptoms due to the fragile X mutation — instead showed near-normal brain function and memory.
Pill in the works
That was exciting in and of it, because it indicated that blocking the mGluR5 protein could lead to improvements in some forms of autism and mental retardation. But Bear said the even more provocative implication is that a compound that does just that already exists. A few years ago, he founded Seaside Therapeutics, a small pharmaceutical firm in
Randall Carpenter,
Outside researchers also were enthusiastic about the potential of the compound.
“It seems very promising indeed,” said Matthew Belmonte, a neuroscientist at
Not everyone is on board, however. Sophia Colamarino, a neurobiologist and vice president of research for the advocacy group Autism Speaks, which helped fund Bear's research, said the finding “give us hope” that this could be a viable strategy for treating autism, but she added that it's too early to tell whether STX107 will improve autistic behaviors in people. The drug could reduce mGluR5 levels, but autism is such a complex disease, this may not be enough to restore normal behavior in patients, Colamarino said.
Two other drugs in the works
If the drug does fail, there still may be hope for patients and their families. The Fragile X Research Foundation (FRAXA), which co-funded STX107 research, is supporting investigations involving two other drugs that block the same protein Lithium, Fenobam.
“We believe that drugs which block mGluR5 have enormous potential for the treatment of fragile X and related developmental disorders, including many cases of autism,” said Katie Clapp, president and executive director of FRAXA.

Anyway, nobody is going to write a letter on the stone or with ink as in the early centuries. Everything we do nowadays are kept in the small box, that becomes smaller and smaller, and is called laptop, PC. Every day we write something to someone, leave messages, deal with business documentations. And what happens when your laptop disappears, and somebody just steals it.
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The software helps not only the individuals and organizations but the police, too. According to the SourceWire, the police were able to track the laptop after the student raised the alarm and the laptop called ‘home’ via the Internet once the thief tried to use it. Once located, both the laptop and the dissertation contained on it were retrieved and returned to the student. The recovery also led to the police making an arrest, as well as the discovery of what is believed to be 20 other stolen computers.The ComputraceOne software with the features to quickly respond to the action is being one of the most significant reasons it to be used increasingly in the UK by organisations to manage and protect their mobile assets.
General Manager of Association of Chief Police Officers Crime Prevention Initiatives’ (ACPO CPI), Alan McInnes, said: “As well as helping police to tackle crime, this software addresses the ACPO and Home Office desire that valuable consumer goods should have crime prevention measures incorporated in the design and manufacture. This is why the police are very pleased to award the Secured by Design accreditation to this innovative product.”
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The newly anointed Ashe's spitting cobra, or large brown spitting cobra (Naja ashei), can reach lengths of more than 9 feet (274 centimeters) and is believed to deliver more venom with a single bite than any other cobra on the planet.
The aggressive reptile was previously identified as a brown-colored variant of the black-necked spitting cobra, though researchers had long suspected that it merited its own species. Now blood and tissue analysis have confirmed this theory to be true.
The snake dwells in the dry lowlands of north and east
The findings were first published earlier this year in the animal taxonomy magazine Zootaxa by researchers at the
But they gained wider notice on Friday when the researchers announced the new species through the nonprofit conservation group WildlifeDirect.
Spitting cobras eat eggs, carrion, snakes, lizards, and birds. Their venom has two uses: to kill prey and for defense. The reptiles can spray venom several yards and usually aim for the attacker's eyes, giving the snake the best chance for escape.
A Healthy Appetite
Snake experts had long believed that the brown spitting cobra was fundamentally different from the black-necked spitting cobra. Other variants of the black-necked spitting cobra fought harder when handled and took longer to settle down in captivity. Once in their cages, they were picky eaters. But the Ashe's cobra was less resistant to handling, generally less alert, and less picky. And they were bigger. Ashe's cobras are not the only kinds of snakes that get lumped together.
Researchers suspect that many different species of snake, such as the highly venomous puff adders, have been grouped into species that need greater differentiation.
Ineffective Antivenin
The greatest significance of the new finding may be for residents along
That means that doctors previously treating bites from what turned out to be Ashe's cobras were only administering half the necessary dose of antivenin to victims. New developments in antivenin may be made from studying the chemical makeup of the new cobra's venom, researchers add.
"The fact that this is a separate species raises a question of the efficacy of existing antivenins," said David Warrell, a herpetologist at the
"It hasn't been studied at all, so that's a complete mystery."