New iPhone App Nosey Parker. Ideal for…
Written by
Juliet Andguladze
. Posted on
7:23 AM

Nosey Parker with over 13,400 car parks serves not only comfort but saves petrol, time and money!
In order to benefit from these advantages one should buy the app, press the locate button to find where you are…, view the car parks on a map, or in list view… and select a car park to see available details…
The very first time you use Nosey Parker it could pay for itself! The second time you’re in profit! The more you use it, the more money you save!
So what Nosey Parker is Ideal for?!
• Ideal for Reps – find the closest car park to your destination.
• Ideal for commuters – find alternative and possibly cheaper car parks to your usual.
• Ideal for shoppers – don’t waste money on expensive car parks, spend it on yourself, go on, you deserve it ;
• Ideal for tourists – find a car park that’s closer to the seaside, or nearer to wherever you are right now.
• Ideal for people who never have any cash on them! – find car parks that accept credit cards.
• Ideal for parents – find car parks with parent and toddler spaces.
• Ideal for disabled drivers – find car parks with designated disabled spaces.
• Ideal for lone drivers – find car parks with approved safety certificates.
• Ideal for cheapskates! – Our database has over 5000 FREE car parks to choose from across the UK.
In order to benefit from these advantages one should buy the app, press the locate button to find where you are…, view the car parks on a map, or in list view… and select a car park to see available details…
The very first time you use Nosey Parker it could pay for itself! The second time you’re in profit! The more you use it, the more money you save!
So what Nosey Parker is Ideal for?!
• Ideal for Reps – find the closest car park to your destination.
• Ideal for commuters – find alternative and possibly cheaper car parks to your usual.
• Ideal for shoppers – don’t waste money on expensive car parks, spend it on yourself, go on, you deserve it ;
• Ideal for tourists – find a car park that’s closer to the seaside, or nearer to wherever you are right now.
• Ideal for people who never have any cash on them! – find car parks that accept credit cards.
• Ideal for parents – find car parks with parent and toddler spaces.
• Ideal for disabled drivers – find car parks with designated disabled spaces.
• Ideal for lone drivers – find car parks with approved safety certificates.
• Ideal for cheapskates! – Our database has over 5000 FREE car parks to choose from across the UK.
Some 4-5 months ago I was strongly recommended by my friend to watch the film Secret that reveals the most powerful law in the universe – The Law of Attraction, and the great part of that is Visualization. As it is mentioned on the official site of The Secret without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance. Google already shows 16,600,000 results for the word visualization and 11,100,000 for Virtualization, and the combination of these two is about 8,320,000 results.
The reason I combined these two terms is that I visualize through virtualization. And if a painter visualizes through painting, musician by creating music, I just created the virtual visualization Folder :-)
The reason I combined these two terms is that I visualize through virtualization. And if a painter visualizes through painting, musician by creating music, I just created the virtual visualization Folder :-)

From the point of dimensions Nook seems to be more compact but at the same time it's a bit heavier than Kindle.
Nook has got color touchscreen, left/right paging buttons. But on the other hand Kindle has got Text-to Speech feature which will read books aloud for you with male and female voices according to your option.
As for the content format Kindle supports TXT, PDF, Audible (Audible Enhanced (AA, AAX)), MP3, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML, DOC, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP through conversion. And Nook is compatible for EPUB, PDB, PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, MP3 files.
Nook's got AT&T 3G; 802.11b/g WI-Fi connectivities but it does not have it's browser as the Kindle does have + a wireless modem.
With Nook you can also read your e-books on: iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry, PC, Mac OS. With Kindle you can do it on iPhone and iPod touch.
The features that are the same for both devices are: price ($ 2590), USB Port, rechargeable and replaceable battery, memory (2 GB – 1500 e-books), free book samples although Kindle offers you to download the first chapter for free before you decide to make a purchase and better choice for more newspapers and magazines, built-in dictionary (The New Oxford American Dictionary for Kindle and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary for Nook)
These are the main features that these two devices contain. Now it's up to you about making the choice. Feel free to add your comments, opinions and advices about these two gadgets helping others in their decision.
Twitterlive.net that is a web 2.0 service, and gives you opportunity to create a channel, automatically feeds your blog to twitter, track the clicks and collects real-time traffic data, as announced at the official website of Twitterlive.net.
Among the benefits of the service is that not only the publisher but the users get useful service.
So what is the advantage for publishers? They have their own information channel and as for users, they are able quickly find relevant information and keep informed with the latest headline news.
So what is the advantage for publishers? They have their own information channel and as for users, they are able quickly find relevant information and keep informed with the latest headline news.