Brainwash Kids With Physics & Maths While Playing Video Games

O2 also stated that the older 8G iPhone will be available for free on many of the business tariffs when customers choose a 24 or 36 month contract. The average cost of the 16GB version of the iPhone is expected to range between completely free and £135, depending on the tariff chosen. Customers who choose the free version of the 16GB iPhone will need to be prepared to pay £75 per month on their tariff.
O2 is a leading provider of mobile and broadband services to consumers and businesses in the UK. The company is the leader in non-voice services, including text, media messaging, games, music and video, as well as data connections via GPRS, HSDPA, 3G and WLAN.
O2 UK is part of the Telefónica O2 Europe group which comprises integrated fixed/mobile businesses in the UK, Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - all of which use 'O2' as their consumer brand. In addition, O2 has established the Tesco Mobile joint venture business in the UK and Ireland, as well as, the Tchibo Mobilfunk joint venture in Germany. O2 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telefónica S.A.
According to the survey:
86% of senior IT professionals are concerned about the negative impact their company is having on the environment, based on Version One’s research of 100 senior IT professionals (IT directors and managers) across a range of UK public and private sector organisations.- 48% of respondents are VERY concerned about their company’s environmental impact compared.
Lynne Munns, General Manager of Version One, says, “It’s clear that the majority of IT professionals remain concerned about the impact their organisations are having on the environment. However, the latest survey findings also suggest one of two things. Either IT professionals are becoming more apathetic about green issues and the role they can play to help reduce CO2 emissions and their company’s overall environmental impact, or since February 2007, some of the respondents’ businesses have actively taken steps to reduce their environmental impact and so are less concerned as a result. If complacency has set-in, it’s imperative that this doesn’t continue as IT professionals need to ensure that their IT strategies are closely aligned with their organisations’ green agendas.”
In support to the idea to protect the environment:
27% suggest that financial incentives alone are required,
22% would favour a green education programme
20% feel that financial incentives together with legislation and a ‘green’ education programme is the answer.
12% believe that legislation alone would encourage businesses to become more eco-friendly with the remaining respondents suggesting either a combination of financial incentives and a green education programme or legislation and financial incentives.
According to the survey there was still one respondent, an IT manager from a manufacturing company, who did not know what measures companies should undertake to become more environmentally-friendly.
Munns comments, “IT professionals can play a vital role in helping to reduce organisations’ negative impact on the environment from introducing low carbon and high efficiency technologies through to educating colleagues on how to minimise energy waste whilst using technology.”
89% of those surveyed revealed that they are interested in implementing document management technology due to its environmental benefits. This is despite the survey findings indicating that just 86% of IT professionals are concerned about their companies’ environmental impact.
Munns adds, “It is not surprising that the environmental benefits of document management are some of the reasons for organisations wanting to implement these systems. Document management replaces paper-based processes with electronic procedures, reducing both paper consumption and CO2 emissions. In addition to its environmental benefits, document management makes sound business sense as it cuts costs, improves cash flow, enhances efficiency and frees-up storage space.”

Among the specific types of interviewers are interviewers with suspects and witnesses. Impact Marcom and Reliance High-Tech have launched V.A.D.E.R. for this purpose.
Reliance High-Tech, V.A.D.E.R. Client functions as a digital recorder with the suspect or witness interview and delivers removable digital discs in line with current PACE guidelines. The fact that it is coupled with V.A.D.E.R. Server, the interview is streamed and stored on a central secure database.
This technology gives opportunity materials to be retrieved by approved person and presented to the court. As far as using V.A.D.E.R. Server the retrieval of statements will be more efficient because of the feature like key word searching, and evidence can be identified within seconds from a comprehensive database of digital footage.
Julian Phillips, Managing Director of Impact Marcom said, “By applying proven technology from the broadcast industry, we are able to give the police force instant and secure access to their own video and audio content - in effect, their own secure content management tool.”
Several days ago had some conversation with a friend, who said that all that matters is relation, human relation and than comes all the rest. I share this opinion. In the context of employee and employer relations, as it is one of the actual topics nowadays, except formal business relations one should have human relations with the respect to each other.
Well, to judge only on the basis of own experience and knowledge, that won’t let us analyze the field correspondingly. So I would like to look at the issue on the basis of the survey, that is provided at SourceWire. The survey of over 900 employees and nearly 300 employers found that businesses across the UK are still finding it difficult to recruit and retain staff, despite the economic downturn.According to the survey part of an annual programme carried out by recruitment specialist, Ochre House:
Less than 60% of respondents had been in their job less than two years
68% planned to change employer within the next six months.
39% moved because of pay,
28% mentioned employer’s culture and ethics
26% consider leaving their job because of a lack of training.
"Our surveys over the past five years have shown that career cycles among younger workers, the ‘Generation Y’ aged between 21 and 28, have been getting shorter all the time,” says Ochre House director, Jennie Emerson. “However we’re now seeing that this is spreading to staff of all ages as the old idea of long term loyalty to a company dies out. Organisations need to understand what really motivates their workforce and to adopt a clearly defined strategy for both recruitment and retention.
“This will be particularly important given the fact the survey found most businesses optimistic about the future,” she continues. Although over 70% expected that the UK economy would grow at a slower rate in 2008, less than 10% expected a recession and nearly 45% predicted that their own business would expand over the course of the year. However with 80% planning to increase salaries by less than 4% in 2008, addressing ‘softer’ issues such as work/life balance will be vital if this is to happen. “Employers will need to create an environment that gives their people the flexibility and variety they seek, together with the training and development to succeed and the autonomy to get on with it.”


Nowadays each organization needs to empower operations and management staff in order to effectively measure and manage the VCC in real-time across their span of responsibility.According to SourceWire, Microsoft is the first organization to deploy Exony VIM 7.

“Since its introduction in the first phase of the OneCall project, Exony VIM has consistently delivered powerful business results through its ease of use and powerful underlying technology,” added Aaron Davis, Software Development Engineering Manager – IT Contact Center, Microsoft. “Given its initial success, we have expanded the technology across our entire OneCall architecture for real-time and historical reporting as well as service management. We have already achieved significant benefits in terms of enhanced customer service and business value.”VIM 7 serves to equip all staff with those tools that give opportunity to manage and collaborate effectively to optimize customer interaction.
“Virtualization is creating a renaissance in the call center industry,” said Alan Hubbard, SVP, Customer Service & Support at the AberdeenGroup. “More and more companies are implementing this more effective and efficient alternative and, through analytics, experiencing the ability to much more closely manage and measure call center performance. The benefits are felt not only by these visionary companies but by the customers they are serving. According to our research, companies like Exony, that have a goal to put analytics on every desktop in the virtual call center, continue to set the pace for innovation in this industry.”
Among the key new VIM 7 features and benefits are:
- Advanced analytical data discovery functions including outliers, trending, stack ranking and user defined customer measures
- Definition and integration of custom measures giving business specific information for cost, value and customer experience
- User definable targets and KPIs allowing variance analysis
- Implementing resource and service optimization directly from analytics
- Multiple language and time zone support for international VCC operations
“Customer service organizations are increasingly becoming virtual enterprises, using distributed personnel from Brussels to Bangalore to meet 24/7 customer needs,” commented Rex Dorricott, CEO and co-founder of Exony. “Managing customer interactions has never been more complex or more important, and we believe VIM 7 provides the measurement, management and empowerment capabilities to help companies optimize customer experience against enterprise value and operational cost.”

Remote management of Services,
Processes and Applications running on any classroom PC,
The generation of real-time Hardware
Software Inventory reports
File distribution capabilities.

The main characteristic feature of the site is its simplicity. Main focus falls on usability and interactive features that allow users to find what they are searching for without having to navigate through a myriad of menus.
As summed up by the JuneBugreview staff, "Fans need a place to express their enthusiasm and vent their frustrations with current movies, and it's great to give everybody the opportunity to share their movie-going experiences with the world."

· Worldwide online booksigning - a world first!
· Free Webinar - latest trends in IT governance, information security and data protection
· All books by Alan Calder and/or Steve Watkins can also be signed
Chief Executive of IT Governance, Calder, predicts: "We anticipate lots of questions and better insight into our findings as a result of releasing our books this way."
"The event is a way of interacting with the business community in a very direct, one-to-one way that one might expect on a physical signing tour."
This is not the first initiative of the authors but Calder and Watkins have written extensively in the field of information security, risk management, compliance and IT governance.
The e-signing will be supported by a free webinar and online Q&A session on the research. Additionally, for a limited period, any copies purchased online during the event will be personally autographed by the acclaimed information security authors.
Calder and Watkins have written extensively in the field of information security, risk management, compliance and IT governance. The core guide to these issues, has been newly updated and e-enabled. PRWeb announces that “IT Governance: a Manager's Guide to Data Security and ISO27001 has been a standard text for postgraduate courses in the subject at The Open University and other academic institutions. The book has also become the de facto standard text on designing and implementing an information security management system conformant with international standard ISO/IEC27001. “
"It's a unique event, saving time and offering a lot of value add for busy managers looking into these problems."

Adobe announced at its Q2 conference call that they already have a version of Flash working for the iPhone and running on emulation software.
`We have a version that’s working on the emulation. This is still on the computer and you know, we have to continue to move it from a test environment onto the device and continue to make it work. So we are pleased with the internal progress that we’ve made to date~ - Adobe's CEO Shantanu Narayen said.
But will Apple allow Flash for the iPhone? Steve Jobs has claimed in the past that the mobile version of Flash - presumably what Adobe would be porting over to the iPhone - isn’t powerful enough for use on the nimble and elegant iPhone.
The push to break away from Flash reliance indicates that Apple isn't keen on seeing iPhone Flash development succeed.That leaves Adobe all alone to tackle the iPhone Flash dilemma.
This article has been originally posted on iPhone Apple.

According to PRWeb.com "FictionDB is unique in that the site is built top-down, rather than bottom-up like so many of the popular social networking book sites," states owner Kelly Wong. "To create the best reference site, you need both organization from the top and community knowledge from the bottom." Visitors provide additional information through tags and direct updates, but are not the primary data source.
The advantage of the web site over other is that many of the books in the database display information not available on other web.
Each reader can get information about the book on blogs, social networking sites, and sites that sell or swap books. But FictionDB offers readers the ability to: search for an author, find the complete book list, discover books in a series, and read synopses or reviews.
One of the main advantages of the site is its readiness to provide information about not only famous authors but less known ones, too.

Mariner Software announced that they are porting Mariner Calc, the Excel-spreadsheet editor for the Mac, over to the iPhone platform.
Company president Mike Wray said that their application will offer support for multiple spreadsheets per document, charts, and objects. It's also said that it will support a maximum of 1,000,000 rows and 32,000 columns per document. It is possible that it will be integrated with Mariner Calc on the Mac in some way.
According to Michael Wray, president of Mariner Software, the program is 80 to 90 percent complete. Wray told Macworld that the iPhone version of Mariner Calc will also “tie in to” new versions of the company’s Mac version of Mariner Calc - which will itself use Excel format as the native file format - and the Mariner Write word processor.
The app will be available shortly after the launch of App store. Pricing has not yet been revealed.
This article has been originally posted on iPhone Apple.
Leading online research specialist, eDigitalResearch, with its new product aims to demonstrate the insight and intelligence that businesses can gain from its broader and integrated research offering, which results in improved bottom-line profitability. The new brand with its unique talking avatar will take online users through a survey scenario which provides a snapshot view of whether their website and online communications are going in the right direction or wrong direction.

The Voices.com API will give opportunities to log in to client accounts, post jobs seeking voice over talent, search for voices, and complete the hiring process online, including the approval of audio samples, downloading of files and compensation of talent for their work.
According to PRWeb.com the advantage of the Voices.com API is that developers will be able to establish, award-winning, fully functional marketplace with a global database of over 20,000 voice actors who are able to work around the clock, some recording voice overs within a matter of hours. Voice actors at Voices.com represent over 100 languages and span all time zones breaking down traditional barriers that most talent recruiters encounter.
"Developers who want to use Voices.com's API can sign up for a free key online," Chief Executive David Ciccarelli shared, "and they are encouraged to profit from the resulting work. Naturally, it will become our responsibility to look for ways to solidify a partnership."

Take-Two Interactive Corp's Grand Theft Auto continues to be the No. 1 selling video game, and its version IV, released in April, sold 871,300 units in May. According to the research the top-selling hardware unit is Nintendo Co.'s Wii console. 675,100 units were sold in May. Nintendo's DS handheld player took second with 452,600 units sold. Those units have captured the top two spot's for four consecutive months. Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 trailed with 208,700 and 186,600 units sold.
As to hardware sales, they rose 34 percent to $428.6 million, while software sales rose 41 percent to $536.9 million, compared to the same month last year. Sales year-to-date come to $6.6 billion and the industry is on pace to bring in revenue between $21 billion and $23 billion for 2008.
http://www.npd.com/corpServlet?nextpage=corp_welcome.html http://www.usatoday.com/tech/gaming/2008-06-13-video-games-sales-may_N.htm?csp=34

Tthe Freedom Driver turns virtually any flat service into an advanced quality audio speaker system in an instant. The only thing you should do is to place the unit on any flat surface such as wood, glass, marble or stone and is transformed into a high quality speaker system.
The B22 plays music directly from USB Flash Drives, SD Memory sticks or any source using a standard audio line.
The B25 - wireless using Bluetooth technology to interact with any Bluetooth enabled systems. The sleek design maintains a high density.
The art Digital Vibrating Sound System, 360o Sound Field, Full Function Remote control with Equalizer, Volume control, Modulate Bass and Treble at 14db, Volume Memorize...

This upcoming app, from Connected Flow, gives iPhone users opportunity to take photos on their iPhone Camera and send them straight to their Flickr photostream. This program will undoubtedly be quite popular with iPhone users.
It will allow iPhone owners to both take photos with iPhone’s camera from within FlickrExport and instantly transfer them to Flickr, and also transfer any photos that are already in the library (although only one at a time). Users will also be able to apply titles, descriptions, tags, privacy settings, geographical information, and more, to their images - all from the iPhone.
With the Aperture and iPhoto versions, it is intended that people can use it to upload a large number of photos all at once. Conversely, with the iPhone version, only one picture can be uploaded at once.
Using WiFi, photos took about five seconds to upload, while EDGE took about 20 seconds for one shot. A price for the app has yet to be revealed.
This article has been originally posted on iPhone Apple.
The advantages of the website are new content, opportunities to exchange ideas and online learning tools. According to the SourceWire, SSON’s Global Strategy & Planning Director Sarah Clayton said: “Our members (and the shared services industry at large) have been looking for a holistic, more pragmatic source of information, news and hands-on content which they can use in their day-to-day working lives as well as take to the boardroom.”
7,000 members worldwide receive the benefit from SSON such as an idea generator, an approach validator, giving shared services and outsourcing professionals a starting point and challenging all industry players to continue to raise the bar.
The new SSON website allows users to use:
- Exclusive Q&A forums - leveraging the combined knowledge and experience of our global network and benefiting from its collective wisdom
- Frequently updated blogs – encouraging continual discussions between our members and dedicated bloggers
- A library of topical and functional news and articles plus the latest interviews, presentations, podcasts and webinars from our global network of shared services practitioners and providers.
- SSON’s monthly e-newsletter and specialist e-alerts - keeping you informed of the latest articles, interviews, industry news, Q&A, events, videos and business opportunities -
- Shared Services News magazine - containing best practice case studies, strategies, lessons learned, member profiles, interviews, legislative reviews and much, much more
Clayton explains “The relaunch marks the first stage in a series of ongoing developments aimed at providing SSON members and the shared services and outsourcing community at large the information they require to reach the top of their industries and stay there in what is now a very competitive global landscape.”
Clayton has also advised “Already in the works are some very exciting features and functionality enhancements, adding to the overall user experience and pertinence of the SSON website – our goal is to be the number one resource for shared services and outsourcing professionals and we intend to maintain that position.”

Pauline Jacquey, Executive Producer of Ubisoft’s “Games for Everyone” said: “We don't want to keep it too narrow. At the minute, we’re only showing DS and Wii games, but we’ll be working on all other platforms. We’ll be making games not only on PC, PS3 and 360, but on iPhone and iPod touch as well.”
Ubisoft Entertainment S.A, an educational software and video game publishing and distribution company, was created by the five Guillemot brothers, in 1986. Later, Ubisoft created distribution subsidiaries in key world markets: United Kingdom, Germany and the U.S.
The Ubisoft group quickly established its leadership on Microsoft’s Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, successfully launching four titles, including Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter™, and climbing to the top of the charts.
This article has been originally posted on iPhone Apple.
News, Free Press release, business and sales jobs, and business publications at most of Limelon Advertising and Communications Company's websites PRZOOM, NewswireToday, SalesBooks and BizJobs made the websites the fastest growing ones.
According to PRZOOM two of the most popular news distribution sites in the United States and the UK in a pretty short period and without a single AdSense displayed on their homepage served as of today over (2,000,000) TWO million Google™ AdSense.
"2007 marks a second major event for the company, as we recently released that SalesBooks.com announced records high business authors registration in 2006" says Charles Murati, Managing Director and Founder of Limelon Communications. "Today we are proud to announce our core websites PRZOOM and NewswireToday surpass over 2,000,000 ads served since we joined Google™ AdSense program", Murati added.
PRZOOM (PRZOOM.com) and NewswireToday (NewswireToday.com) are clearly today two of the most popular news distribution sites in the United States and the UK. Noting that in a pretty short period and without a single AdSense displayed on their homepage both sites served as of today over (2,000,000) TWO million Google™ AdSense."
Our success (Limelon Ad.) is no secret, best quality content is the key, but also we do appreciate our partnership with Google just because those people are really professional" says Ray, Customer and Technical Support Manager with Limelon. We must admit that the Mountain View based company is by far the cream of the crop in Ads serving industry.

Q: Pat, I can remember in Barcelona you were very happy as you felt you’d taken a step forward. In Monaco you were going to spring a surprise. What’s been going on?
Pat Symonds: I never said we would spring a surprise in Monaco.
Q: What is the next step there is a test next week. Will you have some new bits there?
PS: It’s Barcelona next week. More bits there. Every week there are new bits on the car, new bits we are testing. Some aerodynamic updates for the French Grand Prix, some quite big ones, so keep on moving.
Q: Do you remember what you did with Heikki a year ago?
PS: Yes.
Q: Are you going to tell us?
PS: No.
Q: Fernando, tell us about the track conditions today.
Fernando Alonso: I think we had a little bit of everything. This morning a wet track to start with and it was dry just for the last 10 minutes but it was not completely dry, so we found a different track in the afternoon with more normal conditions. It was okay, a normal Friday in Canada with a slippery track and we tried to put some rubber down with the laps. I am sure during the weekend it will be better and better every lap we do on the track.
Q: There are a lot of words being written about what you might be doing in the future. What is your own personal comment on that?
FA: Nothing really. The same comment as always. It is too early to speak about the future and too early for me to think about the future. It is only the sixth or seventh grand prix of the championship this year and there is a long way to go to the end. First of all I want to improve the results and the performance we are having now. The aim for the next two or three months is to be closer and closer to the podium which is the real target. There is enough to do to reach this target that I don’t want to lose too much time on the future.
Q: David what are your feelings about this season so far?
David Coulthard :Well, I am clearly disappointed not to have scored any points. That’s the way it goes sometimes. I’ve obviously been involved in a few incidents which is unusual but again when you are in what I call the ugly part of the grid there seems to be a lot more contact. And clearly the goal is to keep out of that. In the first six races I have been in the top 10 three times in qualifying and clearly that is the key area to be to avoid a lot of the concertina effects especially somewhere like here in Montreal. We have seen that many years with cars getting out of position.
Q: And your feelings about today?
DC: As Fernando said it was a normal Canada Friday with the exception of some wet running thrown in. The track is pretty green but that is the usual gig especially when you come from Monaco as you have got a lot more speed on the car and a lot less downforce, so stopping it through the chicanes is a bit more of a challenge. Usually the cars that have good kerb ride tend to show their lap time here and the grid can be a bit more spaced out, so we just need to review our performance after qualifying tomorrow and hopefully we will have a strong one.
Q: Geoff, to what extent are you already working on the 2009 car?
Geoff Willis: Certainly we are already underway aerodynamically with the 2009 car, both wind tunnel programmes and the CFD programme. We are clearly looking at the tyres as there is a big regulation change there next year, one part of which is the slick tyres. We are still waiting until the last July team test when we will get the final specification of those tyres. Some of the main car lay-out will have to be delayed a little longer but we have done quite a lot of work. At the moment we are juggling that balance between the 2008 car development and 2009 and certainly where we are in the championship, and as David says, we are in that ugly area where a small performance improvement can give you help to get that one or two points. We do certainly have to divide out time as efficiently as we can between the 2008 championship, trying to turn an equal fourth place into a secure fourth place, but at the same time not penalizing ourselves for next year.
Q: As far as you are concerned are the regulations for 2009 perfectly clear?
GW: I think on a technicality the final things we have agreed in the last Technical Working Groups have to go before the World Motor Sport Council which I think is on 30 June but to all intents and purposes, as far as I understand, the regulations are fixed for 2009.
The conference was quite informative. Some questions were asked from the floor. F1 people were all in readiness. For detailed information check out the reference below.
According to David Plouffe, Campaign Manager, Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.2,179 out of 2,118 support to secure the nomination has Barack Obama. The fact that Barack Obama was pushed over the threshold of 2,118 delegates is the evidence that he broke racial barriers. As many web sources notice: Mr. Obama, the son of a black Kenyan father and white Kansan mother...
Movement for change offers to make a donation today and succeed in the movement for change.
According to the my.barackobama.com Last night, Barack laid out the vision for where this campaign is headed -- watch the speech and make a donation to help us get there.

The ifbyphone telephone application platform, which will be available July 1, will deliver broadcasts either immediately or at a scheduled time set by the user. It will work with any iPhone running the v2 software. In addition, the Voice Broadcast feature will also work with the iPod touch.
Applications for Ifbyphone's Voice Broadcast technology include traveling managers who need to send a voice memo out to their staff while being away, or for parents who want to reach the entire family all at once.
Voice Broadcast will work by selecting a group of recipients from the iPhone’s Address Book, then entering the delivery date and time. The Voice Broadcast application lets you record a message, which is then sent at the appointed time. Because the message is being sent as data, it doesn’t impact the number of minutes you’ve selected in your calling plan.
The application will be free to download, though Ifbyphone requires an active subscription in order to use.
Ifbyphone is a hosted voice application and platform company with a simplified approach to the deployment of stand-alone and web-integrated voice services for small and medium sized businesses (SMB).
Ifbyphone makes it easier for customers to connect with you from online and off. All of Ifbyphone's applications are accessible via a click on a Web site, an inbound call to a toll free number, an outbound call or with the help of a programmable API.
This article has been originally posted on iPhone Apple.

MyNetResearch.com might be a help. It is revolutionizing the research process. The new Web 2.0 Portal offers online collaborations worldwide.
The main reason of its global nature is deploying Internet technologies as they enable global collaboration. An online community of researchers MyNetResearch allows researchers around the world to find each other, work on projects using specialist tools, collaborate on grant writing, and keep up with the latest news and discussions in their subject specializations.
The other advantages of it is that researchers can assess documents from any location with an Internet connection, acquire knowledge from expert articles and news feeds containing the most recent research developments in their fields. In addition, blogs and forums allow for free exchange of research ideas between global researchers.
According to the PRWeb, MyNetResearch.com features powerful, specialized research tools for the active researcher, such as the:
Literature Search and Citation Analyzer: Perform literature searches and citation analyses of authors and subjects.- Journal Selection Guide: Review more than 9,000 journals to publish in, using criteria such as discipline, subject, ranking, review process, and language.
- Research Methods Adviser: Obtain assistance in making decisions on a variety of research methodology tasks. This includes guidance on selecting research designs, sampling techniques, and statistical tests.
- Conference Selection Guide: Select from more than 8,000 organizations that regularly conduct conferences.
- Grants Program Locator: Search this comprehensive database for grant programs that best suit your research proposal.
- Online Survey Manager: Create and manage on-line surveys. Features include a choice of over 15 types of question, survey templates, and summary reports.
- Bibliography Creator: Create bibliographies and easily output them in different styles e.g., Chicago, APA.

1. The Chargepod carries a street price of $39.95 which includes the Chargepod base unit, a carrying case and wall plug (100-240V AC, 50-60 Hz). Each additional adapter, like say, for the iPhone, is $9.95.
2. Callpod offers a bundle pack for $79.95, which includes the Chargepod base unit, AC wall plug, car charger, carrying case and the following six popular adapters: Apple iPod/Phone, Motorola, Blackberry, Nokia, Palm Treo and Sony PSP devices.
The Chargepod, allows users to charge most mobile electronic devices with a single power cord from almost anywhere including at home, in the car or at the office.
Callpod, is an emerging technology company that has created and patented unique audio conferencing and content sharing technologies for wireless consumer electronic devices and cellular telephones. It is a strategic solution provider as well as reference and ASIC designer for manufacturers of cellular, consumer electronics and wireless devices.
This article has been originally posted on iPhone Apple.

1.Break through over 50 unique, challenging levels. Power the bouncing ball to smash through brick walls. Lots of power-ups plus extra balls, energy balls, extra lives, weapons, glue, bonus floors, paddle expansion and extra score make the game even more fun.
Customers can get this Greatest Classic Video Games CD for free by test-driving the CD Earth Software Library Club.

The e.s.i.Discover Search Appliance indexes millions of documents contained on servers and workstations throughout an enterprise and allow rapid searching based on sophisticated searching techniques to identify the responsive documents such as word documents, spreadsheets or PDF's, says PRWeb.com. Searches typically take only a few minutes and can be easily modified to hone in on the required documents quickly. The process of serching does not take long time.