Using Technology To Your Advantage At Exhibitions
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11:11 AM
Once you’ve chosen your exhibition stands and objectives for the exhibition, it’s time to figure out how you’ll go about attracting visitors to your stand. Here are some ideas, centred around technology, that you may consider. This article is written on behalf of Marler Haley, who provides a range of exhibition supplies, and have many years’ experience in the field.
Using video is a great tool for catching the eye of passers-by, and need not increase the budget of your exhibition stand too much. Because of the nature of the event, a short looping video that communicates succinctly what your business does is best – a 15 minute short film won’t work because people most likely won’t stop to watch, and the message will be lost.
What should be in the video?
• Imagery that works well without sound – there will be a lot of speech and background noise at the stand so relying on sound isn’t advisable!
• Information that corresponds with your objectives: If you’re unveiling a new product/service, give visual information about that product/service. If you’re generating leads, perhaps display quotes from testimonials from existing customers. Coherency is important!
• Eye-catching visuals: this doesn’t mean manic flashing lights, but rather something unusual or attractive that will make people stop and look.
Previously in the domain of sci-fi films and cartoons, holograms are now becoming a reality, but have you considered having a hologram at your exhibition stand? Admittedly it might not be as cool as the 2-Pac hologram that performed at Coachella, but a holographic version of one or several of your products can be an excellent way of engaging visitors to your stand. Bear in mind that this method of attracting attention to your stand will cost more than others, but its merits may be greater!
Interactive: Informative
With handheld internet-ready devices getting smaller and cheaper all the time, it’s increasingly feasible to include these in your exhibition stand. Not only can these reduce demand on the staff at your stand by giving visitors opportunity to read around your company website and literature, they are also hugely informative in their own right.
Another benefit to your company can be achieved by allowing visitors to your stand to ‘like’ your page on Facebook or to ‘tweet’ information about your company. This can be incentivised by acting as an entry to a competition, affording the mutual benefit of giving visitors a chance to win, and letting them spread the word about your company.
Interactive: Fun
The devices mentioned previously can also be used to play games and watch videos – why not create a basic game about your company that visitors to your stand can play? Perhaps they could unlock discount codes or special offers if they get a high score? This again has mutual benefits as it increases interest in your company (people will be interested in the game and come and investigate), and gives visitors the chance to earn discounts and special offers.
To summarise
Using technology in your exhibition stand can incentivise visitors to come to your stand, and can be mutually beneficial if carried out successfully.
• Technology in your exhibition stand can attract visitors’ interest and draw more people to your stand
• If you decide to use video, use short, succinct film that will catch the eye and make sense if not seen throughout.
• Try to think of ways to incentivise visitors sharing information about your company – perhaps through a competition where ‘liking’ on Facebook acts as an entry?
• Aim for mutually beneficial technology – something that will interest visitors and also benefit your company
• Most of all, have fun!