Many foreigners write and speak about wine drinking traditions in Georgia. Georgians drink a lot of wine, but not every day; only if there are guests over or something is being celebrated.
In the past centuries Georgians did not drink so much wine at the feast. They drank only one bowl/cup of wine during the meal. If there was a guest or was something being celebrated there were drunk max 3 bowls/cups of wine. During the feast Georgians would sing songs and say toasts. Women were not allowed at the table. There was a table in another room specially led for women. Women also drank a little wine, sang and dance. Both men and women had their own Tamada (A tamada is a toastmaster at a Georgian Supra or feast).
Nowadays women are allowed to seat at the table with men. They are not expected to drink much but among men drinking is a test of their strength and manfulness. It is like competition between the members of the feast. But you lose your "competition" if you get drunk, are unable to walk properly or end the feast in the bathroom hugging the toilet seat.
A few tips if you get at the Georgian feast:
- Don't refuse a glass of wine. It is very rude and insults the host. Especially if the party is held in honour of you.You can toast along, hold speeches and drink symbolic little sips from your glass.
- If you really can't or do not want to drink, make an excuse like: you have stomach problems, you are driving the car,you have problems with you liver or heart or you are taking the medicine which forbids the drinking.
- If you are hang over say it to your host, but be careful for the local remedy for this problem is getting more alcohol. Drink the same alcohol with which you drank the previous day. Do not drink more than two glasses. If you do not like the meat or the soup you are at the risk that they start preparing Hashi, a soup made of cow feet and cow stomach with salt and garlic. If you can't drink even one glass of alcohol and do not like the Hashi ask the host to bring Borjomi for you. It is Georgian mineral water. It is the ultimate hang over cure...
- You should know several essential toasts. In Georgia the tradition of toasting is very important. You can only toast with wine and vodka, NEVER with soft drinks! Georgians only toast with beer if they wish somebody bad luck. (Often Georgian men toast their mother-in-laws with beer). So, don't toast your guest family with beer.
- Never sit at the short end of the table. It is always reserved for the Tamada (of course if you are not the Tamada yourself).
- If you drank the toast of dead Friends or relatives do not omit the next toast. It is important to drink the next toast, because it is said that if you stop drinking after a toast in honor of the dead you will die soon. So Georgians try to say the next toast as soon as possible.
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