- Libraries could better serve the 1/3 of the population without high-speed internet access
- 13% use the public library as a resource for finding information (vs. 16% for television and radio and 36% for newspapers and magazines)
- 53% of respondents visit a library within the last 12 months
As it is indicated in the study the demographic signals have their influence on Internet use (age, income, and education), too.
- 17% (incomes below $40,000) have sought the library for research vs 9% for those with incomes above this level
- 63% (with children at home) visit libraries vs. 48% of those without
- 58% a library nearby has visited it
- 42% with no library within 2 miles have.
Though the Internet usage is increasing day by day especially in the developing countries but libraries have readers anyway. The study of the US readers shows that:
- 20% Library users seek answers to school-related issues
- 11% career issues
- 68% use the computers in libraries
- 62% use computers to access the Internet
- 69% of library visitors receive help from library staff
Research shows the Internet provided the most of the information. And according to the research summary: “those with Internet access are increasingly using it to seek answers and are generally happy with the information they receive. Since searchers still tend to start with major search engines, the push to include more blended search results, as well as provide help for specialized searches, should continue to improve satisfaction.”
Increasing number of using Internet readers does not give opportunity ti ignore those who do not use Internet yet.
"Those without broadband connections at home or at work have very different needs and search strategies from those who have woven the Internet into their lives," says director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, and one of the study's authors Rainie in a statement.
The study also revealed the statistics about Internet usage in general, particularly regarding demographics. Of those surveyed, 76% use the Internet. Of those Internet users:
59% go online at least once a day from home
43% go online at least once a day from work
77% have high-speed access
The topic about libraries was already covered there in “ The Myth That Books Are Heavy Is Destroyed “. Universal Library, the project that initiates the creation of vast digitalized library surpasses 1.5 million books. In total amount $10 million is contributed aiming to succeed in development Universal Library. That is a kind of answer to the research.
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