The main abilities the "Locate Laptop" has are as follows:
Locate stolen laptops leveraging on the World Wide Web.
Track and recover stolen laptops
Deters theft.
Loss of the computer means to lose very valuable information for an individual rather than loss of the techniques.
97% of PCs that have been stolen are not returned to the owners. Much concern is about the materials the users save on their computers.
"Locate Laptop" keeps track of the whereabouts of the employee, and at the time he/she logs in via the Web gives report that enables the system to completely analyze the data.
The first step is to install Locate Laptop™ on computer. Secondly one should login to his or her web based Personal Tracking and Monitoring Page to view and trace where the laptop has been accessed from. Thirdly, after discovering the theft the laptop owner should report to Unistal’s emergency response team or login to the Personal Tracking and Monitoring Page and submit the theft. Fourthly the Locate Laptop’s WebSniff technology is activated and alerts at the exact moment the offender accesses the Internet.
"Locate Laptop" is available online at the official website: for a price of Rs 3,000 per license.
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