Martin Källström, CEO at Twingly said: "We will have worldwide coverage but are concentrating on being number one in European blog search, both by controlling spam and working with all different languages", US companies like Google provided the market for specialized blog search engines but now Europe gets its own blog search http://www.twingly.com/
We have covered the issues of spam in previous post but the new search engine is safe from spam. The algorithms include genuine blog posts and filter out the spam.
Martin Källström says that "We want to help people find the good in blogs", "Eliminating spam makes the world of blogs more accessible for the readers. Our goal is to facilitate for both bloggers and readers to connect and interact."
Blog search engine in not only search but Twingly also provides social search, where actions of individual users improve the search results of others.
"Social search enables blog readers to share quality content with the rest of the community", said Martin Källström.
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