SpongeBob SquarePants is an Emmy-nominated American animated television series and media franchise. It is one of Nickelodeon's Nicktoons and is currently the most watched show on Nickelodeon. SpongeBob is now broadcast across the world. It was created by artist, animator, and former marine biologist, Stephan Hillenburg, and is produced through his production company, United Plankton Pictures, Inc.
SpongeBob is one in a long line of cartoons that is designed to appeal to adults as well as children. This has a lot to do with the absurd way underwater life and situations are represented, and with the situations, references, and words used, which younger viewers might not understand.
The show is set deep in the
Jellyfish buzz and sting like bees, worms bark like dogs, scallops act like birds, and SpongeBob talks on a "shell phone" and eats "sea-nut butter." Under sea puns bubble up throughout the program, even as life underwater seems very familiar to life above.
SpongeBob gives us funny mood and many smiling faces. He may not has a spine, or much of a brain, but he's all heart.
If you are a fun of SpongeBob SquarePants you may also visit its fun club on http://spongebob.net/.
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