The more time a person spent playing video games, the researchers found, the more likely they were to show three specific traits usually associated with Asperger's: neuroticism and a lack of extraversion and agreeableness. But people with Asperger's may be more vulnerable to becoming addicted to playing video games because it allows them to escape into a world where they can avoid face-to-face interactions.
People with Asperger's typically find social situations stressful. They often can't make eye contact and fail to pick up social cues, like boredom, in other people. The condition tends to isolate children and can trigger depression, which according to researchers, video games may encourage. The exact cause of Asperger's is unknown, although researchers suspect there is a genetic component. Treatment for Asperger's usually consists of improving social skills and breaking repetitive behavior, the very things video games discourage.
I’ll try being easy with games and not to get addicted gamer!
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