This upcoming app, from Connected Flow, gives iPhone users opportunity to take photos on their iPhone Camera and send them straight to their Flickr photostream. This program will undoubtedly be quite popular with iPhone users.
It will allow iPhone owners to both take photos with iPhone’s camera from within FlickrExport and instantly transfer them to Flickr, and also transfer any photos that are already in the library (although only one at a time). Users will also be able to apply titles, descriptions, tags, privacy settings, geographical information, and more, to their images - all from the iPhone.
With the Aperture and iPhoto versions, it is intended that people can use it to upload a large number of photos all at once. Conversely, with the iPhone version, only one picture can be uploaded at once.
Using WiFi, photos took about five seconds to upload, while EDGE took about 20 seconds for one shot. A price for the app has yet to be revealed.
This article has been originally posted on iPhone Apple.
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