According to the PRWEB, global Internet advertising is anticipated to grow 26.7% in 2008, PRWEB makes this release on the bases of the latest forecast by Zenith Optimedia, The report the growth of the Internet ad market, that breaks the 10% share barrier in 2008.
This growth is resulted by the fact that "Western advertisers are shifting even more of their budgets online, where the returns on their investment are obvious, and easy to quantify and fine tune."
But according to the article «Advertisers slow to embrace online spending" by the Washington Post's Peter Whoriskey, who describes "the grim economic reality," that "[the biggest U.S. advertisers, which have long supported television, radio and print, have not fully embraced the Web."
This article lists disappointing figures. One of the greatest giants Proctor and Gamble spent less than 2% of its ad budget on the Internet in 2007, according to a recent ranking by Advertising Age.
But popular brands have shown up in force online, iContact, a leading email marketing company, who boasts clients such as market leaders AT&T, Vonage, Symantec, International Paper, ReMax, Centex Homes and Viacom, as well as a host of small business owners.
While traditional method of print advertising are utilized most often, an email ad can appeal to the viewer who opts-in in the first place.
Whoriskey says, "Penry Price, Google's vice president of North American advertising sales, noted that although it is relatively easy to do demographic targeting in other media, it is more difficult to get precise information about online audiences for a given Web site."
Still the main success of the online advertising is the low price, that plays great role in utilizing the Internet to especially for small companies who have nothing to lose and everything to gain by moving online.
According to the results one can only ask when the corporations will follow this kind of advertising rather than asking will thay do that at all or not.
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