The main distinguishable feature of the service is that it has aggregating results from over 60 different services on the internet.
"There is no other social media search tool online that aggregates data from this many sources." says Hall. The tool's goal is to deliver the most relevant and current conversations happening in the world of social media. Hall adnits that content freshness is one of the most important aspects of the tool's search results. "We are trying to connect people around similar ideas that they can engage in, so therefore we are interested in finding the freshest conversations in social media."
Hall recruited around a dozen of some of the most vocal and well known people in the Search Industry to take part in an exclusive private beta. "We were real fortunate to have some industry all-stars sit in and give some great advice on the tool," Hall says.
Jordan Kasteler, a Utah SEO expert says, "WhosTalkin makes searching for conversation so easy. It literally saves me tons of time by aggregating search portals all into one." Kasteler, is a seasoned SEO that specializes in enterprise scale in-house SEO.
Brian Chappell says, "WhosTalkin is a great concept. In fact right now there is a need for such a tool that can be offered for free -- or at a cost effective price. Many social monitoring services can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars a year." Chappell is a Social Media Marketer that has experience integrating brands into social media.
Nick Wilsdon states, "WhosTalkin.com looks to be another must-have tool for those interested in Online Reputation Management (ORM). The results are thorough, as it questions the search function of each platform directly rather than using Google as an intermediary. Definitely one to watch." Wilsdon is known widely for his work in Russian Marketing.
The tool is currently in public beta and is free to use. However, Hall states that long term plans include a separate subscription based service that will give users access to a handful of tools and different options for a monthly price. "We intend to always keep the basic functions free, however we will be offering a subscription service designed for small and medium sized business in the coming months," says Hall.
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