“Free Social Media Tool” enable organizations to run a free social media report. It provides companies with such social media as Facebook, Blogs, News and other social media sites.
The importance of social media plays very important role because of several factors. Firstly, it is the source of connection with others, and secondly, social media is important for the value of SEO.
According to the Jungle Torch, Mark Craddock, VP of Information Technology at Dorcy International says: “The Free Social Media tool is a great resource for any organization that wants to get a consolidated view of their social media activity over the last thirty days. Before this tool was available, my company was manually consolidating postings in an excel spreadsheet.”
… And the Co-founder of Jungle Torch, Nate Tennant adds that “Social Media is clearly important to companies but tracking it can be a challenge. The Jungle Torch Free Social Media tool provides companies with a nice overview of all social media mentions over the past two weeks.”
Besides determining who is saying what about a particular company, Jungle Torch gives any company crucial pieces of information that are not available anywhere else in the SEO world which includes a full SEO report and inbound marketing tools.
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