Folks behind Eye-Fi have figured out that there are millions of people who have the same problem. What an elegant solution they've devised, you'd be amazed. Keep on reading.
According to the Eye-Fi website, "Eye-Fi provides the first and only effortless way to send images directly from your camera to a host of destinations, including a computer, and online photo and social networking sites for instant sharing."
When I first heard about Eye-Fi, I said "wow". But then I started thinking how that task would be accomplished. Well, Eye-Fi uses Wi-Fi to upload pictures. That's good, no doubt. Nowadays, Wi-Fi spots are almost everywhere but wait, my digital camera doesn't have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. I bet neither does yours. But the beauty of Eye-Fi is that it doesn't rely on your camera's capabilities. It's the Eye-Fi SD cards that have built-in Wi-Fi support. Yes, yes, yes... the Eye-Fi SD cards double as Wi-Fi chips.
The Eye-Fi cards are supposed to hit the market this Fall at about $100 retail price and should support the most popular photo-sharing sites and social networks.
Unfortunately, how Eye-Fi will work is not clear to me. Okay, a Wi-Fi adapter in a SD card is a great thing but this is just a start. Then, there should be some sort of a program on the card, which connects to the supported websites and upload pictures. To run a program you'd need some sort of an OS (operating system). Thus, I imagine this Eye-Fi thing is a SD Card + Wi-Fi adapter + tiny OS with an application that uploads photos. And how they manage to put all those things in a tiny piece of plastic, I can't imagine.
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