This holiday dates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (sow-in). Celts inhabitants of Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France celebrated the new year on November 1. This day was associated with the end of summer and the beginning of winter, cold, dark, and in most cases identified with death. According to the beliefs Celts thought that the boundary between living and dead worlds were blurred this day. Presence of ghosts could help Druids, or Celtic priests predict the future. But the understanding of the holiday changed after Romans had conquered the large territory of Celts in A.D. 43. Romans ruled this territory for 400 years. During this period two Roman festivals were combined with Celtic. Festivals of Roman origin were Feralia and Pomona
Later in 800s after spreading Christianity among Celts, Pope Boniface IV declared 1 November All Saints’ Day. It is believed that designation of this day as All Saints’ Day served the purpose of changing the day of dead ghosts arrival day into saints’ day. The new celebration was called “All-Hallows”. As for the night before the celebration, it was called All-Hallows Eve, Halloween.
Halloween symbol is identified with the carved pumpkin with a lit candle inside. Story about Halloween is impossible to imagine without Jack-O'Lantern. The tradition of making jack o’lanterns counts centuries. It is originated from an Irish Myth about “Stingy Jack” who deceived the Devil. Invited him to have a drink but did not want to pay for it. Jack convinced him to turn into a coin. The Devil was deceived, Jack put the coin into his pocket next to a silver cross. The power of the cross prevented the Devil from turning into the original form. Jack made a kind of barter with the Devil and freed him for 1 year freedom. But that was not enough for Jack and the next time asked the Devil 10 years of life...
But Jack died soon. Why? As legend says God will not allow such man into the heaven too, neither the Devil opened the doors of hell, and since then he wanders with the burning coal trying to find the way.
Album waits for new photos, memories find their own places in our minds, Jack O’lantern still searches for the ways to release himself from uncertain freedom and masked faces are waiting for the 31 of October.
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