Anyway, nobody is going to write a letter on the stone or with ink as in the early centuries. Everything we do nowadays are kept in the small box, that becomes smaller and smaller, and is called laptop, PC. Every day we write something to someone, leave messages, deal with business documentations. And what happens when your laptop disappears, and somebody just steals it.
Well, that is the problem but... hardly unsolved one. Absolute Software Corporation (TSX: ABT) found this problem the serious one worth to plan to work on it, in order to make consumers feel safer. Nowadays Absolute Software Corporation is the leader in Computer Theft Recovery, Data Protection and Secure Asset Tracking™ solutions. Absolute Software provides individuals and organizations of all types and sizes with solutions to manage regulatory compliance, data protection and theft recovery.
The software helps not only the individuals and organizations but the police, too. According to the SourceWire, the police were able to track the laptop after the student raised the alarm and the laptop called ‘home’ via the Internet once the thief tried to use it. Once located, both the laptop and the dissertation contained on it were retrieved and returned to the student. The recovery also led to the police making an arrest, as well as the discovery of what is believed to be 20 other stolen computers.The ComputraceOne software with the features to quickly respond to the action is being one of the most significant reasons it to be used increasingly in the UK by organisations to manage and protect their mobile assets.
General Manager of Association of Chief Police Officers Crime Prevention Initiatives’ (ACPO CPI), Alan McInnes, said: “As well as helping police to tackle crime, this software addresses the ACPO and Home Office desire that valuable consumer goods should have crime prevention measures incorporated in the design and manufacture. This is why the police are very pleased to award the Secured by Design accreditation to this innovative product.”
According to the AbsoluteSoftware the ComputraceOne application is loaded on the hard drive of a computer while support for the ComputraceOne agent is embedded in the BIOS or firmware. If the hard drive is reformatted or replaced, the ComputraceOne Agent support in the BIOS rebuilds the necessary application files on the hard drive as required by the customer.
Among the unique features of Computrace Technology Platform are:
Automatic & Reliable
Secure Communications
Small Footprint & Low Bandwidth
Easy Installation
Frequent, Scheduled Calls
PersistenceWilliam Pound, senior director, international operations, Absolute Software, said: “Imagine having spent the time working on a dissertation, only for it to be stolen. This is exactly why we developed ComputraceOne, so that the actual device can be tracked and retrieved, or if required, important and sensitive data can be deleted. Working with police has yielded another positive result, and really demonstrates the power of our end point security solution."
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