According to Dr. Bob Garrett, a DBU graduate program director and You've Got The Time DBU organizer, every attendee of the chapel service received a free New Testament on MP3 disc. He said the chapel students will listen from Matthew 1 to Revelations 22 starting now and going until Easter-announces PRWEB.
"It was our goal to bless the students; giving them the dramatized Audio Bible was really great. The students' response was really positive," Garrett said. "One girl kept saying, 'I want one (Audio Bible) so bad,' and then we gave them out. The students loved getting the Word of God in this format and want to make this a part of their worship time," he added.
"There is quite a buzz here," Garrett said, who preached from Romans 10 on how "Faith comes by hearing" at Wednesday's chapel service. "We have already started listening groups in the dorms and afterward we will discuss what we've heard and encourage one another."
Aiming to increase of the users DBU also has posted downloadable MP3 Bibles on the university website and hung posters and flyers in dorms, hallways and other common areas.
"We want to help young people draw closer to God by hearing His Word," Garrett said. "We also want them to help others get closer by sharing His Word. The Bible is not just for us, it's for the nations, and we want the students to have an international agenda," he said.
"We want to help young people draw closer to God by hearing His Word," Garrett said. "We also want them to help others get closer by sharing His Word. The Bible is not just for us, it's for the nations, and we want the students to have an international agenda," he said.
Audio Bible recordings are available in more than 275 languages.
According to the PRWEB Jerry Jackson, Faith Comes By Hearing Founder and President, said he is also praying that "God's Word will help grow the faith of not only the students but also the whole college community."
According to the PRWEB Jerry Jackson, Faith Comes By Hearing Founder and President, said he is also praying that "God's Word will help grow the faith of not only the students but also the whole college community."
"I am very excited about this historic university teaming up with Faith Comes By Hearing to promote God's Word in audio and influence the next generation of Christian leaders," said Jackson.
Garrett said the Audio Bible on CD and MP3 format are a natural fit for today's college students. "This is a good program because so many students are auditory learners now. They all have iPods, and they listen everywhere -- while they're working out, going between classes and traveling. It's hard for students to be disciplined enough to read every day. This is a great way to pour the Word of God into their hearts, minds and lives," he said.
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