According to the PRWEB, Tom Fox , guitarist, singer and songwriter is one of a small but growing group of artists giving away music for free rather than charging or having listeners fined for stealing it. The albums made by Tom offers free music downloads. There are songs of "Midnight Rain" and "Slowly". Statistics show that these have been downloaded over one million times.
And how Tom evaluates giving his music away for nothing, the secret is promotion: "Many musicians quiver at the potential loss of a 99 cent iTunes sale, however, they forget that giving away mp3s free and legally has promotional value.""Offering free music can accelerate the growth of your online listener base, which ultimately can generate exposure in the form of concert invitations, Internet and satellite/terrestrial radio play (generating royalties) and traffic to your site," he said.
What does Tom remind to fellow musicians? That Web traffic has value, and could be monetized by affiliate programs and contextual advertising like: the Ruckus network, a free ad-supported U.S. music service available to college students, Peter Gabriel's UK based WE7, and the Internet record label Magnatune, which encourages buyers to copy any album and give it away free to as many as three friends, are evidence it can also be done with music.
"They are the way forward," admits Tom.
New York attorney Ray Beckerman of the Recording Industry Vs. The People blog said, "Artists can and should make their music directly available; they will make a better living, and their fans will get better value."
"As to whether it should be disseminated for free," he continued, "I'm no marketing expert, but it seems to me that one has only to look at the record companies to learn what they have always known all too well, which is that one of the best ways of marketing music is to offer at least some of it for free, to expose people to what you are doing, and to generate word of mouth. And many of the people who hear something the first time for free will become customers for life."
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