So not in vain is HealtheTracks™ released. It is a user friendly, quick, efficient system that allows you to keep your family's up-to-date health records online. Among this information might be involved your and your family’s observations, questions, notes.
For just $24.95 a year, HealtheTracks™ helps you organize all your family's records:
Children's Healthy Check-Ups
Children's Growth Charts
Immunizations and Allergies
Illnesses and Injuries
Chronic Conditions
Special Needs
Annual PhysicalsMedical Test Results
Medications/Prescriptions Log
Dental Records
Eye and Ear Health
Sports and Travel Related Health Concerns
Physician and Insurer Directories
A Family Medical History
And what are the advantages of HealtheTracks™? First of all, records are accessible 24-7, from anywhere in the world! Secondly, with your "read only" password, you can share your health history and the health history of your loved ones with anyone in the world, anytime, at your discretion, without jeopardizing the integrity of the records.
According to the HealtheTracks™: “by keeping records and having ready knowledge at your fingertips, you are able to eliminate even one doctor visit per year... You save a $20 co pay, time away from work and/or school, and potentially the cost of a prescription. Money savings and time savings, too! It's your health!”
The main requirements you need for the service is a computer and an internet connection.
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